Joliet 2m Wed night net
I've participated twice now in a net that is held on a local repeater. First one I had better signal, not sure what was the issue this time around. I know an antenna outside the house would help out. Also being able to output more than 5 watts would be grand. That'll be the next radio though. I've considered a VHF amp for this one, but I'd rather just wait a bit longer for a shiny new radio. All that stated here are some of my notes from the net though. Start time 7:00 on the WCARL's 146.820 repeater . Net Control: KE9ZM Gary Other check ins: KA9SPL Steve N9HLG Rick KD9MDO Mike (me) KD9HUK Jeff Topics bounced around a bit, main thing I learned about and am looking forward too is a hamfest coming up on the 20th. I'm looking forward to checking out all the gear and etc. I should start studying up too if I want to pass the general test by the end of Jan. Of course that'll mean I need another radio. Darn.