
Full in, all out, all about, and so on. No idea why I wrote that sentence that way, it was fun though. I all in to this radio hobby though. It started with a small handheld CB and now I've got another CB a 10m radio and a small dual band handheld for analog and digital VHF/UHF. I'm on the air call sign and all. No super long distance contacts made yet, but the possibility is there. This digital radio thing is taking me a minute to wrap my head around.

There are several competing modes for digital at the moment. Each coming from different manufacturers. My handheld is currently capable of working the DMR networks. I'll update more as I learn it. The basic idea of digital radio is that you can have multiple conversations on the same frequency without hearing each other. You can even have private conversations with singular users.

So here is another thing that I'll be posting updates about. Also a means to make the international lounge truly international.


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